FORCE-Forum of Computer Engineers

FORCE is the association of computer science in IIIT Una. Our main objective is to encourage open source software,improving coding culture,project building and introducing new platforms to work on. It provides opportunity for students to broaden their knowledge in the field of computer science and interact with other student who have shared interest.

Why should you join our community ?

  • To improve your coding skills
  • To become a full stack developer.
  • To excel at graphic designing.
  • To improve your speaking skills.
  • To learn teamwork

What do we do?

FORCE is the association of computer science enthusiasts of IIITU,aimed at lending a helping hand to all the beginners in the world of programming.We have BITERATION,a student chapter on codechef of IIIT Una to provide students a platform to compete against the best of minds. Our other events include short and long challenges,a technical fest MERAKI and a yearly hackathon.